Time Management Strategies for New York Event Planners

August 2, 2024 Jessica Stewart

Work never seems to end for New York event planners. There’s always something to do, and it never feels like there are enough hours in the day. So how can you complete all your tasks while still maintaining some semblance of sanity? Implement these time management strategies for New York event planners to help lighten your load. 

Plan and Prioritize

When all you can think about is the overwhelming mountain of tasks that need to be done, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Instead, try to plan and prioritize your tasks. Making lists can be very helpful. Rank your tasks by how important each is and when it realistically needs to be done. Then, stick to your list as much as you can. You’ll be able to focus on the most pressing tasks while waiting on those that aren’t quite as urgent. Plus, you get the satisfaction of checking off each task as you complete it. 

Build in a Buffer

In event planning, it’s important to expect the unexpected. Tasks take longer to complete than you thought they would. You suddenly have to change vendors. Or your client wants to add 50 more guests at the last minute. There’s always something that doesn’t go exactly to plan. And if you have allocated tasks for every minute of your day without building in a buffer, your entire day gets derailed as soon as something goes wrong. Instead, estimate the time it will take you to complete a task, then add 20%. That way, you have a built-in buffer to give you breathing room when unexpected twists arise. Plus, you can take some much-needed breaks, too. 

New York Event Planners Must Set Aside Time for Self-Care

It’s all too easy to get caught up in hustle culture, especially in NYC. But working nonstop for hours (or days!) on end will quickly lead to burnout. That’s why one of the most important time management strategies for New York event planners is to set aside time for self-care. So carve out 20 minutes for yoga, take a power nap in your office, play your favorite video game, or take a quick walk around the block. Exactly what you do doesn’t matter, as long as you can take a break and come back feeling rejuvenated. Just find something that refreshes you, and make time for self-care every day. 

Delegate Some of Your Tasks

It’s understandable to want everything to be perfect, but you don’t have to do everything yourself. In fact, delegating some of your tasks is one of the best time management strategies for New York event planners. Keep the most important tasks or those you’re particularly good at, and delegate the rest. You’ll get more done, and you’ll feel much better with a lighter load. Plus, you’ll give your staff or partners a chance to shine, too. 

Make Use of Technology

Savvy New York event planners make use of technology to help with time management. A variety of tools exist today that can automate some of your tasks, freeing your time to focus on the ones you need to complete yourself. So, try using event management software to automate guest lists, registrations, and tickets. Use chatbots to field common event questions. Or centralize all your tasks on an event-planning app. If technology can help you, use it! Then, you’ll have more time to concentrate on the tasks you truly need to handle yourself. 

Finding and using effective time management strategies makes all the difference in the world for the success of your event planning business and your own well-being. If you are feeling overwhelmed or find yourself falling behind on your tasks, try the above time management strategies for New York event planners to help lighten your load. 

Find More Entrepreneurial Insights at The Expo

Want more great tips on how to manage your time more effectively? Attend The Event Planner Expo to learn from industry pros. You’ll also have unparalleled opportunities to network and develop partnerships with other New York event planners. Plus, you can check out all the latest tools and technology to help you streamline your events and manage your time more effectively. Get your tickets today!

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