10 Snacks Busy NYC Event Planners Should Pack

June 3, 2024 Jessica Stewart

As an event planner, you know just how busy the days get. During an event, you’re lucky if you can catch your breath, let alone eat a proper meal. That’s why it’s so important to come prepared with nutritious snacks that will sustain your energy throughout the day. Keep yourself in top form and avoid the dreaded mid-day slump with these ten snacks busy NYC event planners should pack.

1. Popcorn

Popcorn is one of the best snacks to have on hand. It’s a whole grain, so it’s perfect for giving you sustained energy. Plus, you can eat a ton of it without having to worry much about the calorie count, which means it’s also very filling. Just be sure to choose healthy toppings instead of butter and salt. Olive oil, herbs, apple cider vinegar, and low-sodium hot sauce are all excellent choices.

2. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are superb snacks for busy NYC event planners. They’re high in protein, which helps you feel full. And they contain healthy fats that help lower your risk of heart disease, which is great, because event planning is stressful. So try packing a handful of pistachios, almonds, cashews, or sunflower seeds to power you through your next event. 

3. Hummus

Hummus is a delicious blend of chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice, and other tasty yet healthy ingredients, making it a marvelous snack. Best of all, hummus now comes in convenient snack-size packages that make it easy to eat on the go. Try hummus with pita bread, pretzels, or vegetable sticks to keep your energy up and your blood sugar stable. 

4. Trail Mix

There’s a reason trail mix is a staple for hikers–it’s filling, delicious, and gives you loads of energy. Those qualities also make it a perfect snack for busy NYC event planners. So mix together a variety of nuts, dried fruits, and seeds to create your own special trail mix. Then, toss in some dark chocolate chunks or coconut to give it a sweet but healthy boost. 

5. DIY Smoothies for NYC Event Planners

There’s no better way to start your day than by whipping up a delicious smoothie to sip on during your event. And one of the best things about smoothies is you can customize them with the flavors you love and the nutrition you need. Some great smoothie combos include:

  • Peanut butter, almond milk, strawberries, and bananas
  • Mixed berries, tofu, and soy milk
  • Apples, cinnamon, milk, and oats
  • Avocado, banana, and chocolate milk 
  • Spinach, banana, and Greek yogurt

6. Healthy Wraps

If refrigeration is available, healthy wraps are some of the best snacks for busy NYC event planners. They’re tasty, filling, and packed with the nutrition you need. Just start with a whole-grain tortilla, spread on some hummus, and add your favorite wrap fillings. Chicken, turkey, tuna, veggies, and avocado slices are all excellent options.

7. Cheese and Crackers

Cheese and crackers are another classic combination, and they’re also a perfect snack for busy NYC event planners. Choose your favorite whole-grain crackers and top with cheddar, gruyère, brie, or Babybel. The combination of fiber, protein, and fat will give you plenty of stamina to get through your day. 

8. Hard-boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are loaded with nutrition, and they’re easy to eat on the go. Just prep a couple at home, and bring them along to your next event. The protein, fat, and vitamins in hard-boiled eggs will satisfy your hunger for hours. Try adding slices of hard-boiled eggs to other snacks, or make egg salad if you prefer not to eat them whole. 

9. Yogurt

Yogurt is flavorful, satisfying, and chock-full of probiotics, which makes it a top-tier snack for busy NYC event planners. In addition to keeping your event planning energy levels high, it’s great for your immune system and helps prevent tummy troubles during your events. Add some berries, granola, or whole-grain cereal for an even bigger nutritional boost.

10. Granola Bars

It’s hard to imagine a snack that’s more convenient for busy NYC event planners than granola bars. They’re easy to carry with you for a quick snack when you only have a minute to eat. Plus, there are tons of varieties available, or you can make your own DIY combo. The best granola bars include combinations of whole grains, various nuts, and dried fruits without added sugar. Look for dark chocolate or coconut if you’re craving a sweeter option. 

Want more tips to help you thrive as a busy NYC event planner? Attend The Event Planner Expo 2024. There’s no better place to network, build connections, and learn everything you need to succeed in the competitive NYC event planner market. Get your tickets here.


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