How to Leverage Post-Event Marketing to Sustain Momentum & Create Future Event Buzz

June 14, 2024 Mario Stewart

There is always a lot of excitement, energy, and buzz leading up to an event. NYC event planners work non-stop to ensure the event is a monumental success for guests and hosting clients. The ultimate energy high is right before and during the event. But how can you keep the enthusiasm elevated after the event, more specifically those regular or annual events? NYC event planners can tap into a variety of ways to keep the guest interest and energy alive after the event. These post-event marketing strategies will help extend the event promotion. And the longer you can sustain the buzz, the more appealing your next event will be. 

Use Email Marketing

When a New York event planner puts on an event, they have several opportunities to collect attendee email addresses. Post-event, it’s time to put this list of emails to use. Send out a post-event marketing email that recaps the event, thanks everyone for attending, and invites people to connect with you further. They could subscribe to your email list or they could follow your social media accounts.

Create Compelling Content

Once the event is over, you should have plenty of material to curate a library of original content. Use pictures, videos, and information gathered to create marketable, exciting messaging. Use these resources to create blog posts for your website, share via email with guests, and omnichannel promote across your various social platforms. This will help build on your SEO for the event and a stronger search engine presence for the next event. Create a content strategy that looks at all aspects of the event. For example, highlight individual experiences. Give people a behind-the-scenes experience. Answer the most common questions you received before, during, and after the event.

Maintain Social Media

Just because the event is over doesn’t mean you should stop posting on social media. Maintain a conversation and connection with attendees and potential future attendees by continuing to post on social media. It doesn’t have to be as often as your pre-event posting. Use different types of social posts in your post-event promotional posting to encourage engagement, such as polls, contests, and user-submitted content. Continue to use the event-dedicated hashtag in your posts.

Share Attendee Experiences

Help attendees connect with each other by sharing attendee experiences. Sharing them during and after the event can help keep your event in front of your target audience longer. It also validates other attendee’s experience, encouraging them to attend again. This strategy also works well for encouraging people who did not attend to consider attending another event in the future. All too often, we hear about events that sounded exciting but ended up being a huge failure, such as the Fyre Festival or the Willy Wonka debacle. Some people may choose not to attend the event in the first year they hear about it, waiting to see how it turned out. They will attend the event the following year if it looks like an unforgettable experience.

Thank Attendees

Reach out to attendees after the event and thank them for attending. Try to personalize the message as much as possible. That way, you can hold the reader’s attention and directly engage with them about a topic from the event that is relevant to them. You could include highlights from the event or provide a recap. If you find that attendees have common questions or feedback, you can address it. Finish the message by informing the attendees of what they can expect next.

Reach Out to Non-Attendees

Inevitably, there will be potential attendees who end up not attending for one reason or another. You don’t have to give up on them. Stay engaged with them by sending them a “We missed you” message. You can give them highlights of the event and links to additional event-related content on your website or social media. That way, you can keep the conversation going with these individuals so that, hopefully, they can attend the next event.

Organize Mini Events

Sometimes, NYC events have long downtime cycles between them. This can make it challenging to maintain interest and momentum between events. One way to keep the conversation going is by hosting smaller mini-events between the larger events. Not only does this maintain interest, but it also helps engage attendees looking to make deeper connections through networking. For example, a national group may hold smaller regional groups throughout the year and a national event once a year. Another option is to skip the in-person events and host mini-events online. This allows people to connect even if they are far away or busy.

Leverage Post-Event Marketing

By using these strategies to establish post-event marketing, New York event planners can maintain engagement and interest with attendees after the event. NYC event planners can create a comprehensive post-event marketing strategy by connecting through several channels. They can address the feedback they received from the last event and improve for the next one. By building on each event, you can keep guests excited about coming back, making your future events larger and more successful. 

Want more marketing insights to grow your business? Immerse yourself among the best of the best at The Event Planner Expo this year! Reserve your booth at The Event Planner Expo 2024 and build a stronger network for your NYC event promotion efforts! 

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